Computer lab instructor helping two adult students on their laptops
Community Impact

Spectrum Digital Education Grant

Spectrum Digital Education grants support nonprofits whose work includes digital skills training, professional advancement opportunities, and technology and resources needed for education. Nonprofit organizations can apply for a grant and learn more about eligibility requirements and selection criteria below.

Application Timeline

  • March 3, 2025

    Application Period Opens

  • March 28, 2025

    Application Period Closes

  • April 2025

    Applications Reviewed

  • June 2025

    Awardees Announced

  • July 2025

    Grants Awarded

Spectrum Digital Education


To be eligible for a Spectrum Digital Education Grant, applying organizations must serve communities located in a Spectrum market and have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Your organization’s program must also: 

  • Focus on families or seniors.
  • Be able to report to Spectrum the following metrics: number of people impacted, population served, and demographics. 
  • Partner with low-income rural and/or urban communities.
  • Be an existing program, already serving our community.
  • Meet the unique needs of its community and align with the nonprofit’s current mission.
  • Have a lasting, meaningful and tangible impact (e.g. development of a new digital site or app, expansion of the capacity of a digital learning center, creation of a mobile computer lab, etc.)

Spectrum partners with organizations that do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, physical disability, military status, or other protected classes. 

 Senior woman getting instruction in a computer lab from a younger female instructor

Selection Criteria

The Spectrum Digital Education Grant Selection Committee will use the following criteria in evaluating completed, eligible applications:

  • How is the program compelling, captivating or unique?
  • To what extent does the program address community needs, with a focus on the digital divide?
  • Does the program partner with any community entities?
  • Does the program support families or seniors in underrepresented urban and/or rural communities?
  • Based on the proposed budget, is it financially feasible that the program will accomplish its goals at the conclusion of the one-year period?
  • How does the program have a lasting, meaningful and tangible impact?
  • Is there data to illustrate the program’s impact? Can the organization report those metrics to Spectrum?


Laptop and mouse pad with Spectrum logo on it

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Too many U.S. families still do not have broadband at home. Spectrum supports nonprofits that use connectivity to enhance the lives of community members through skills training and access to technology.

  • Visit to determine if your organization is in a Spectrum market.

  • The 2025 Spectrum Digital Education application submission period closes at 5 p.m. EST on March 28, 2025.

  • Winners of the 2025 Spectrum Digital Education Grant will be notified in June 2025.

  • You will receive an acknowledgment email within 24 hours of your submission. (Please check your spam folder in the event you did not receive an email.)

  • Yes, every organization will be notified including those that are not selected.

  • Only organizations receiving funding will be required to submit these documents. There is no need to submit them with the application.

  • No. Awards will only be granted to 501(c)(3) organizations.

  • In 2025, Spectrum is awarding $1 million in grants that will be distributed to nonprofits. Grants will range from $2,500 — $50,000, in general.

  • Yes, up to 10 percent of the grant awarded can be spent on operational costs.

  • No. The funding cannot be used to pay any Spectrum bill or bills from other internet service providers.

  • Yes. The funding can be used to purchase devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, etc., but cannot be used to pay for the corresponding internet service to connect the devices or hotspots. Funds should be allocated in a diversified manner and not solely be used on the purchase of devices.

  • Yes. The funding can be used in support of digital navigator programs as they assist community members with connectivity and access to technology.

  • Spectrum is awarding 12-month, non-renewable grants at this time.

  • Organizations are not limited to one application; however, ensure that each application independently meets the criteria outlined above.

  • Representatives from Spectrum leadership across various departments will select the grant recipients.

  • Yes. All questions should be directed to You will receive a response to your inquiry within 72 hours.